Tag Archives: team sadie
Fundraising for Team Sadie 2014: Many of you have already begun a very successful fundraising campaign. Others of you may not know how to start. We have complied the attached list of fundraising tips and sample letters for you to use. In addition to our sample letters, each of you has the opportunity to create […]
What a BEAUTIFUL day to run in Baltimore yesterday. Team Sadie shined! THANK YOU’S: We can’t possibly pull off such a great event as yesterday without the help of many, many friends of Sadie’s Gift. The first one has to go to our Hospitality Tent Masters the Wolf’s and the Rives!! I hope you had a chance to thank […]
Hello Team Sadie 2012. 164 days until we race together!We are thrilled to announce that registration is now open for our sixth year. Our main Sadie’s Gift fundraiser is at the Baltimore Running Festival on Saturday, October 13, 2012. You can be any age to be a part of Team Sadie and you can run or walk in any of these 5 events: Full Marathon, Half […]