Hi there and Happy New Year!
You are receiving this email because you are a part of the Sadie’s Gift family in one way or another. As we tie a bow on 2015 today we are reaching out to everyone to let you know a few things and to ask you to do a few things.
What you need to know:
-On October 15th of 2016, the 10th and final Team Sadie will be hitting the streets of Baltimore during the Baltimore Running Festival one last time. If you have run or walked with us in the past and would like to join us again, now is your final opportunity. If you have always wanted to run or walk with us or know someone who would, again now is the time.
-Over the last 9 years, Team Sadie has raised over $700,000 for the Sadie Elizabeth Abell Endowment for Pediatric Critical Care Simulation Training at Johns Hopkins (Sadie’s Boot Camp for short). This training has helped some of the most skilled doctors in the world save children’s lives from all over the globe. We must admit that we are pretty proud of the impact that our daughter has had on the world so far. But she’s not done…
-In round numbers, we need to raise a $1,000,000 in order to fully fund Sadie’s endowment so this training can happen in perpetuity without any other outside investment. That’s a $300,000 difference from where we are today and we have set a completion date of December 17th 2016, which would have been Sadie’s 10th birthday.
As you can probably deduce, we need your help and here’s how:
If any of your New Year’s Resolutions include running/walking/getting in shape/losing weight/making a difference/etc, please register to join Team Sadie 10 HERE.
If you are looking for a place for your last charitable donation of 2015 for whatever reason (tax purposes, world impact, etc), please click on Sadie’s Donation Site and make it happen.
Please pray. In the 9 years that we have organized Team Sadie we have not outright requested prayer, but seeing that our average annual dollars raised has been roughly $75,000 and this year we are looking for $300,000, the effort will take nothing short of divine intervention. No matter where your spiritual journey is, we are open to whatever you have in this department and thank you in advance for those efforts.